You will give a presentation on your auxiliary reading book.  Before giving your presentation, you will finish reading your book.  If you don’t like your book you can choose another.  I have paper copies of each book that you can borrow. These books are also all available digitally, often for free. The options are:

Meditations – Marcus Aurelius
Letters to a Young Poet – Rainer Maria Rilke
Anam Cara – John O’Donohue
Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu
Man’s Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl
The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle

Your presentation should be between 10-15 minutes. It should include a written component that you will read out load:

-       One paragraph about the author, the time period, or the philosophical or spiritual tradition that produced this book.

-       One paragraph about the central themes of the book.

-       Your favorite passage from the book.

-       Three to five paragraphs about what that passage means. What is means to you. And how you could live it out in your own life.

Your report should also include a non-written component.  Here are some examples:

-       Create a painting based on the passage.

-       Visit a natural place that illustrates the passage and document your visit.

-       Film and interview with a philosophical or spiritual mentor about the theme of your passage.

These are just a few examples. You can invent your own creative non-written component.


50 POINTS - Written Component. You cover all the content. You demonstrate a knowledge of the book and a thoughtfulness about the theme you choose.

25 POINTS Non-Written Component. You have a creative relevant idea. You demonstrate time and work spent on the creation. You communicate the them in a non-written way.

25 POINTS Presentation.  You present your content clearly and thoroughly.  You engage the audience.